Pot's rural homelessness story honoured by OCNA - April 11, 2019
The Citizen was recognized Friday night for publishing the year’s best rural story for a circulation of 9,999 and under in Ontario.
The award was presented at the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) Better Newspapers Awards. It honoured Lisa B. Pot’s story about homelessness in Huron County that was published in the March 8, 2018 issue of The Citizen. The story also appeared in The Citizen’s sister publication, The Rural Voice earlier last year.
The Citizen beat out the second-place Huntsville Forester and its story on the Muskoka Community Health Hub and the third-place Kincardine Independent and its story on supply management and how ending the program would impact the traditional family farm.
This is the second year in a row The Citizen has been honoured by the OCNA, last year winning best website for its circulation class.
It also comes just a few years after The Citizen was honoured in the general excellence categories provincially. The Citizen was also named the best newspaper in Canada by News Media Canada, formerly the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, in recent years.
Click here to read Lisa B. Pot's award-winning story.
For a full list of winners from Friday night’s awards ceremony in Woodbridge, visit www.ocna.org.