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Monday, February 14, 2022

Growing no-till vegetables requires a strategy with lots of mulch and use of tarps or cover crops to control weeds, say three vegetable growers.
Speaking on no-till vegetable farming at the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario's annual ...

Monday, February 14, 2022

Lisa Thompson is not only the Ministry of Agriculture of Food and Rural Affairs, she's also a self-confessed foodie who shared her favourite recipes in one of 24 inaugural stories for the newly launched People's Archive of Rural Ontario (PARO)...

Monday, February 14, 2022

Looking for inspiration on what approach to take on your farm? Judging from a panel speaking on the future of agriculture, you can export to the world, sell at the farmgate and/or be a mixed farm on a large scale to be profitable, happy...

Monday, December 13, 2021

It was an energetic eight-month-old equivalent of "two-thumbs-up" for a highly-successful inaugural Berrylicious Fruit Farm taste test.
"First fresh off-the-bush blueberry," smiled young Gavin Allison's mom, Brittany. "He's pretty happy," she continued..

Monday, December 13, 2021

While media reports have revealed poor conditions some seasonal workers experience in Canada, Felena Pereira of Trinidad and Tobago says her employer made Christmas 2020 in lock-down a great experience and she now wants to ...

Monday, December 13, 2021

Change is often the result of childhood experiences and three panelists recently shared how having a sick dad, being gay or wishing the world was a better place spurred them to change the food system in their own unique ways.

Monday, December 13, 2021

In Seaforth, Ontario, a family business named Everspring is making products that are meeting the demand for healthier, whole, minimally-processed food. The factory is a true family affair with parents Dale and Marianne Donaldson at the helm and...

Monday, December 13, 2021

As their recent public testimonials reveal, Ontario's various non-governmental farm organizations are tilling some new, and reconciliatory, ground.
On September 30th, the Ontario Federation of Farmers (OFA), National Farmers-Union-Ontario (NFU-O)...

Monday, December 13, 2021

Several years ago Gabe and Deborah Caira looked at a property southeast of Blyth and saw their home. They also saw a space they could turn into The Ecobubble: a biologically diverse space into which they could grow.
They purchased the property on ....

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