163rd Clinton Spring Fair
June 2-4
Clinton Fair Grounds
Huron County’s first fair of the season opens Friday evening, with the demolition derby and the midway is in operation. Sat. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Livestock shows, home crafts, midway.
149th annual Hensall Spring Fair
June 9–11
Homecraft and school displays and more. Fish fry, Friday. Live entertainment, Saturday. Fri. 4-
10 p.m., Sat. begins at 10 a.m. Parade at 11 a.m.
Zurich Country Fair
JULY 28-30
Zurich Agriplex, 15 East St. Horse shows, baby show, elimination draw and dance, jamboree, animal displays, culinary arts, children’s displays an activities and midway.